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Psychology Session


Guidelines about JAMH therapy


JAMH welcomes a wide verity of issues and tries to help wherever we can. However, there are limits to the help and support that JAMH can offer.

Please read the following before filling in the JAMH Screening questionnaire which can be found below


General criteria:

  • You should have focused goals and work towards them in a limited time frame. JAMH only provides short-term therapy.


  • You should have the ability to self-reflect on your issues and think about your own part in these issues. Why did these issues start? What is my part in them and what needs to change?


  • You should demonstrate commitment and have sufficient motivation to devote time, energy, thought and emotions to your therapy.


  • You should expect to be able to manage potential distress involved in discussing difficult topics that your therapy may bring to the surface.


Areas JAMH does not work with:

  • Risk-  If a significant risk is identified at triage, we may not be able to offer therapy until risk is lowered. This would also apply where the client is presenting a risk to others.


  • Non mental health conditions. This might include such areas as parenting skills, normal reactions to life conditions etc.


  • Addiction. This includes drug or alcohol addiction where the addiction is the main presenting issues. Drug or alcohol users can also present a significant risk to themselves, and this might also exclude them from therapy. Where the addiction is not the presenting issue, it would depend on the nature of the substance use. If it is high, this would also exclude them from being seen with JAMH as it would be a barrier to the ongoing therapy and a referral to drug or alcohol services would be recommended before enrolling in therapy. Other addictions (gambling, gaming, pornography etc) would be seen on a case-by-case basis but a referral to specialised services may be recommended. 


  • Eating disorders. Since people with an eating disorder present with significant risk to themselves they would not be able to be seen safely by JAMH and would be better off in an NHS setting where the risk could be managed by multidisciplinary team (psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists and dieticians).


  • Marriage or family therapy.


  • Children have to be over the age of 9 years to be considered for therapy or counselling.



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